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Yaf 2.1性能测试(Yaf 2.1 Benchmark)

木木彡82 2011-12-02 15:15:35 744人围观
作者: Laruence

本文地址: http://www.laruence.com/2011/12/02/2333.html

Thanks to Ruilog agian for his work of second
benchmark of Yaf 2.1.
Yaf 2...

作者: Laruence

本文地址: http://www.laruence.com/2011/12/02/2333.html

Thanks to Ruilog agian for his work of second benchmark of Yaf 2.1.

Yaf 2.1 did a lot of work to improve performance and reduce memory usage, so let’s take a look at the result(Yaf 2.1重写了很多逻辑来提升性能, 并且降低内存使用率, 改进结果见测试对比):


Test Simple “Hello World” page output, Simple MVC logic(Router -> Controller -> Viewer), No Database Connections, No complex logic. (简单的测试Hello world).

Hardware platform

  • CPU: Intel Core i5 750 (2.67GHz x4)
  • RAM: 4GB

Software Environment

  • Debian 6.0.3 x86_64 (2.6.32-39)
  • apache 2.2.16 (mpm-prefork,mod-php5)
  • php 5.3.8
  • php-apc 3.1.9 (Optimization for include/require)
  • Copy all projects to /dev/shm/* (Optimization for files read/write)

Test scripts can be found here.

1. Apache Benchmark

Requests pre second (-c 100 -n 30000), the bigger is better

Requests pre second (-c 200 -n 50000), the bigger is better

2. System LoadAvg

System LoadAvg in 1 Minute when Apache Benchmark Complete,

the smaller is better (-c 100 -n 30000)

3. Memory usage

How many memory usage in one “hello world” page. the smaller is better.

4. Response time

The time of page request to response.

5.Number of function calls (Facebook XHProf)

The number of functions calls in one “hello world” page.

6. Number of Files

The number of files included or required in one “hello world” page. the fewer is better.



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